Icareus Audience Measurement for Broadcasters and Operators

We are currently monitoring the usage of over 5 million devices connected to our TV service

Most accurate data on your connected TV viewing

Measuring your audience is key

“In the long term, TV networks desire a measurement system that will help them to monetize nonlinear TV ad inventory, as well as provide a holistic understanding of viewer behavior.” – eMarketer 2017

HybridTV offers completely new tools to measure the audience on a large scale. Gathering information about viewing patterns, most popular shows and average view times on house-hold level, with millions of contact points, hasn’t been possible before.

Combining the extensive audience data with 3rd party platforms to drive advertising adds unrivalled benefits for TV advertisers.


Audience Measurement and TV Ratings are evolving

Advertisers no longer have the same requirements, especially since this market has changed so much thanks to the increasing share of digital advertising. Indeed, for some years already, digital ad spending has by far overcome the traditional TV ad spending on the market.

New digital advertising formats, like those of Addressable TV, appear to be the only effective way to approach this new advertising paradigm on TV. This also means that traditional audience systems are losing their value.

In a nutshell, where data is king, the ability to collect and analyse it is what is mainly driving the change.  

Digital finally killed the TV Star

Discover the New Icareus Audience Measurement 3.0

Icareus has released the new Icareus Audience Measurement in August 2024. The Icareus Audience Measurement solution provides tools for TV Operators, Broadcasters and other service providers – like ad formats that allow you to collect information about the audience watching or using your TV service. The information can be collected from any application or device connected to the service, including HbbTV devices, set-top boxes, other SmartTVs, tablets, mobile phones and web services.

Icareus Audience Measurement Dashboard 1
Icareus Audience Measurement Dashboard 2

Advantages of Icareus Audience Measurement

Icareus Audience Measurement can be used in multiple use-cases to improve broadcasters and operators’ operations, viewer engagement and revenues:

  • IMPROVING VIEWER EXPERIENCE by understanding viewer preferences
  • ADVERTISING REVENUE OPTIMIZATION via improved viewer data for more precise ads targeting
  • COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING to understand market share and channel performance
  • CONTENT DEVELOPMENT. PROGRAMMING AND SCHEDULING decisions by providing understanding which shows, genres and time slots attract the most viewers
  • AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT AND RETENTION by analyzing the demographics, geographic and behaviours of audiences

Some of Icareus Audience Measurement customers

Audience Segmentation and AddressableTV

USAGE of the Measurement Data

Icareus Audience Measurement data can be used in many different ways, including for:

  • Segmentation: per Age Groups, Gender, Geographical Area (based on IP address), etc.
  • Profiling: basic, advanced and real-time knowledge about the TV service consumption behaviours, with continuous measurement systems and long term behaviour analysis.
  • Analytics and Reporting: tools to answer the question: “Who is watching what and when?”. Find out the most popular TV channels and programs, and who wants to watch what and at what time. Build data on the viewers behaviour and adjust your schedule to meet their preferences. 

SOLUTION of Icareus Audience Measurement

Icareus Audience Measurement is a complete platform to collect user data and monitor the user experience of the TV service viewers, inside both Broadcast and Broadband environments.

  • Cloud based solution: provides easy service launch and maintenance in a solid cloud environment.
  • Integration APIs: connects easily with the broadcaster and operator platforms through our Open APIs.
  • Available for all: supports all different TV platforms.
  • Additional databases: Possibility to get help from user databases for more accurate profiles
  • Customized reports: the solution provides customizable reporting opportunities so you can easily track what you need from your analytics.
Audeince Measurement - Using the data

USING THE BIG DATA to increase revenue

Icareus Audience Measurement solution collects the data from many different sources and different video services’ consumptions.

  • Linear Channel Viewership. Tracking the most popular channels based on device type, number of devices, channels, regions, events, time range, etc.
  • On-demand views. Popularity of on-demand assets based on devices, assets, regions, time, impressions, number of plays, etc.
  • Events. Understand the user patterns better with events, which are sent from the application and get detailed descriptions on how these are used and what buttons are pressed.
  • iTV Applications. Interactive applications are part of modern broadcast TV. Icareus Audience Monitoring follows and tracks also the behaviour on these interactive services.
  • Ads. Monetizing the TV content and viewing can be done many dfferent ways, including ads, which can be broadcast video, IP-video or display ads. The Audience Monitoring solution can track and report about all of them.

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