Audience Measurement from 2 million+ Turkish TVs and HbbTV services for four channels with the effort of one
Icareus Audience Measurement, Icareus HbbTV Solutions, Icareus Playout, Icareus Playout - Carousel, Icareus Suite, Latest News, NewsHelsinki, 23.5.2018, Icareus has delivered a turnkey HbbTV solution to ATV, the leading commercial broadcaster in Turkey. ATV wanted to offer more to their viewers and to understand better how their channels are watched, so they turned to Icareus to design and deliver a complete SmartTV service based on HbbTV ( Icareus build a turnkey HbbTV solution based on its existing products that enabled ATV ( and its sister channels A Haber, A Spor and children’s’ channel Minika to offer valuable services to their viewers via SmartTVs.
The delivered solution consists Icareus Playout CS100 for HbbTV signalling, Icareus Suite platform for cloud-based HbbTV service management, Icareus Audience Measurement solution and an assortment of HbbTV applications for all the four channels.
Icareus HbbTV solution was selected because it offers an economical and the most feature rich HbbTV platform on the market. Icareus solutions have been tested and deployed in production use for years. The solution offer ATV the most flexible and modular platform to provide better TV experience for their TV viewers.
Icareus Suite is a cloud based versatile TV and online video platform. It is targeted for TV operators and broadcasters to manage their IP and Broadcast based hybrid TV services, SmartTV applications and other content. Icareus Suite provides an easy-to-use web management interface to manage service delivery, analytics, and customisation of HbbTV Applications. Icareus Suite enabled ATV to adopt the applications look-and-feel to each channel’s own brand without any programming and thus decreasing the both the deployment time and cost, to a cost comparable to a single channel deployment.
Icareus Suite is a modular platform and in addition to HbbTV application management its core modules include asset management for VOD and Catch-up TV, EPG management, payTV provisioning, subscriber-, device-, and account management.
Icareus Suite can be offered as a cloud service, but ATV preferred a on-premise installation.
Icareus Playout Carousel offers Trusted Broadcast Technology enjoyed by leading broadcasters and operators globally for over a decade. Icareus’ Playout CS100 Carousel™ is the solution for TV operators and broadcasters for DVB datacasting services. Icareus’ Playout CS100 Carousel Server allows the building and supervision of high quality value-added television services by multiplexing data in real-time. Icareus’ Playout CS100 Carousel server supports HbbTV and other interactive TV standard based applications.
Icareus Audience Measurement solution provide tools for TV Operators, broadcasters and other service providers collect and analyse information about their audiences, either watching or using their TV services. The information can be collected from any device connected to the service including HbbTVs, set-top boxes, SmartTVs, tablets, mobile phones and wed services.
Icareus Audience Measurement solution provides ATV the valuable real-time data on how viewers watch their channels, on-demand videos and interact with their TV applications. The real panel of 2 million TVs connected to Icareus system provides insight that any other solution could not deliver giving ATV an edge to offer AddressableTV on phase two of the project.
HbbTV services and applications delivered to ATV include:
- Launcher application, which is autostarted on all channels and takes control of desired buttons (color buttons mainly). Each button can be assigned with a scheduled action. Includes support for showing scheduled banners and linking to advertisers own portals.
- Portal / Menu offering a visible entry-point to all HbbTV services
- Enhanced EPG application showing broadcast channel program data with enhanced metadata
- Catch-up TV service providing access to thousands of ATV series and archives
- Video-on-demand service of the movies and TV programs
- News service providing the latest Turkish news from the RSS source
- Weather application…you know, sun is always shining in Turkey
The solution is future-proofed allowing ATV to easily and quickly deploy and customize new HbbTV applications thereby avoiding the need to develop new applications from scratch.
About ATV
ATV is a nationwide TV channel in Turkey, began broadcasting in September 1993. ATV is one of Turkey’s most prominent and acclaimed television networks meeting global broadcasting standards and a jewel in the crown of the Turkuvaz Media Group. It has been a highly influential player in the shaping of Turkish television over the years due to its innovative and ground-breaking approach to program-making. As a leader in the TV broadcasting sector, ATV also has a powerful commercial capability. The channel is renowned for its enthralling dramas, hilarious comedies, action-packed series and engaging sitcoms – all of which are produced to the highest quality. In addition, the distribution arm of ATV brings a wide array of choice and diversity, offering series exceeding 20,000 hours as well as formats and TV movies. ATV also has the highest foreign sales ratio among its competitors and its series that are sold to customers in over 30 countries worldwide achieve spectacular ratings. ATV is an acronym of Actual Television (Aktüel Televizyonu) and it has sister channels A2, A Haber, A News and A Spor. For more information visit:
About Orsatek
Orsatek is a system integrator operating in Turkey. They provide consultancy and integration services to small/large broadcasters or companies having content to manage based on years of experience in Media Asset Management and Broadcast Automation System together with their experience in Information Technologies. For more information visit:
Icareus’ products and solutions used at ATV
Icareus Playout HbbTV Carousel Streamer:
Icareus Suite:
Icareus Audience Measurement:
Icareus HbbTV:
For more Information:
Ms Jessica Glad
Icareus Ltd
Email: jessica.glad[at]
Telephone: +358 (0)9 2289 0801
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