F-Liiga and Icareus launch new streaming and video-on-demand service for international floorball fans
Icareus Solutions, Icareus Suite, Latest News, News, Solutions and Cases for Sports OrganizationsHelsinki, 09.12.2021, The Finnish floorball league F-Liiga has released a new paid video service for international F-Liiga fans. The technology platform for F-Liiga TV is the Icareus Suite video cloud service.
Floorball is played in 80 countries and the International Floorball Federation (IFF) has 75 member countries from all inhabited continents. The IFF has ranked 46 countries in the men’s series and 40 countries in the women’s series.
Floorball is one of Finland’s fastest growing and developing team sports. The F-Liiga includes the highest league levels for both men and women in Finland. The F-Liiga has a total of 30 teams playing, nearly 800 players, and the F-Liiga has a total of about 300,000 followers on social media.
The F-Liiga offers the best and most entertaining floorball in the world and aims to grow internationally. To serve international F-Liiga fans and increase the visibility of the F-Liiga, the F-Liiga wanted to launch its own streaming video service. For the service, SSBL Salibandy Oy, the background company of F-Liiga, chose Icareus Ltd, which has experienced and implemented international online video services.
At the start of the F-Liiga season in September 2021, F-Liiga and Icareus launched the F-LiigaTV service. The service is a paid streaming video service where the user can register, purchase access to match content and watch both live matches and match recordings.
All men’s F-Liiga matches can be watched on the service. In addition, the women’s F-LiigaTV service will be announced during the 2021-2022 season. After registration, the user can choose the content packages they want, either a season ticket for all games, a fan ticket for matches for a specific team or an individual match. The monthly viewing price (€ 15.90) allows you to keep track of all matches played during the month and their recordings.
Icareus implemented the F-Liiga TV service using the SaaS-based Icareus Suite video cloud service, which met the diverse requirements of the service. Icareus Suite is used by dozens of domestic and international companies and organizations in several countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
For the F-Liiga TV service, Icareus customized and publishes a responsive video service based on the F-Liiga brand. For matches and match data, Icareus integrated into the match management system used by the F-Liiga, so that all matches or their changes are automatically transferred to the F-Liiga TV. The transmission signal comes from an F-Liiga partner company. Icareus’ video cloud service automatically handles the distribution of matches globally in high-quality broadcasts, recording and publishing matches in the cloud. In addition, Icareus’ content packaging, payment interface, subscriber management, and geoblocking tools enabled the release and content marketing of the desired types of content packages.
F-Liiga CEO Mr Kimmo Nurminen comments on the collaboration with Icareus: “This is a significant and historic step for the growth of the F-Liiga internationally. From the beginning, there has been a common will with Icareus to create something that Finnish sports are not used to doing. It feels great to open up an opportunity for international fans to follow top Finnish teams and the F-Liiga.”
Icareus CEO Mr Toni Leiponen commented on the service: “Sports have always been close to our hearts and we have been involved in floorball for years. It is a great honour for us to partner with the best floorball series in the world and help take the F-Liiga around the world.”
Icareus Suite is an online video service (Online Video and TV platform, OVTP) that allows both companies and other content owners to manage and distribute their video content on all end devices. Icareus Suite is Europe’s most versatile online video cloud, used by TV channels, operators, companies, public organizations and SME enterprises. Icareus Suite offers a number of optional features such as live streaming, video-on-demand streaming services, customizable video portals, video events, social media utilization via YouTube or Facebook simulcasts, centralized social media video sharing, subscriber management, own ads management, payment wall and handy mobile application to manage video service from the phone.
Utilizing the Icareus Suite video cloud, Icareus also offers companies and public organizations a ready-made, but branded, secure and easy-to-use Icareus Video Cloud service.
Read more: https://icareus.com/online-video-and-tv-platform/
The F-Liiga offers the most entertaining floorball in the world. The F-Liiga includes the highest league levels for both men and women. SSBL Salibandy Ltd, a company owned by the Finnish Floorball Association and responsible for its sales and marketing, is responsible for managing the F-Liiga.
For more information: https://fliiga.com and https://fliigatv.com
Icareus Ltd is an online video cloud and broadcast TV specialist founded in 2001 and having offices in Finland and Spain. Icareus provides video cloud solutions and trusted broadcast TV platforms and our solutions are enjoyed by millions of consumers via our broadcaster, operator, OTT and OVP customers in over 60 countries. Combining online and broadcast has been the core of our activities over almost two decades. We’ve been making the change from linear TV to today’s multi-screen experience.
More information: https://www.icareus.com
Here are the further infomation and material to be downloaded related to this news:
Icareus Suite OVTP presentation
More information about Icareus online video and TV platform.
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